They met back in 1975 at Cal State University of Northridge, but it wasn’t until 1992 when the two reconnected.

“It was definitely fate that our paths crossed again,” smiles Lydia.
“Curt needed his college transcript and I had been working at CSUN.”  She continues, “He came to the counter trying to get the transcript faster than the five to 10 day wait period.  Lydia was so excited to see an “old friend” that she told him she’d have his transcript for him the next day…on one condition…he take her to lunch.
And the rest is history.
Their first official date was at a Raiders/Broncos football game.  The two had such a great time they made plans to see each other again, again and again.  In the next two months, the couple saw each other as much as they could, took a three-day cruise, met each other’s parents, introduced their children from a previous marriage to each other, and even took a trip to Vegas.
After two years of dating, Curt planned a romantic dinner, surprising her with a limousine ride to The Odyssey restaurant.  He also got down on one knee and proposed with a poem he had written.
“We were both in tears…and of course my answer was yes.”
On January 8, 1995, Curt and Lydia made it official.  “Our five children, ages 11, 10, 8, 7, and 5 at the time, were our wedding party and we got married on The Jubilee cruise ship,” Lydia recalls.  “It was just perfect.  It was the best day of our lives.”
Twenty-two years later, 20 of which have been spent married, well it’s safe to say it’s been a fun ride.  Their secret to success?  “We think there is so much that goes into a recipe for a successful marriage, certainly for us – raising a blended family it’s been: living in the moment, making time for each other, respecting each other’s space, faith, working hard so we can play hard, family and perseverance – pulling up your boot straps when things get tough and making it through, and remaining best friends!”
“Lydia has a heart that is filled with so much wonderful love,” says Curt.  “Love for the small things, the out of the ordinary things, the things that most people don’t take the time to reflect on or appreciate.  Lydia is a fun loving, get your hands dirty, get the job done, kind of wife…She is a loving mother, crazy grammy, sister, daughter, aunt, and most of all, an amazing wife.  She is beautiful on the inside and out!”
“Curt is the most generous man I have ever met.  I fell in love with his kind heart, hard work ethic, love of his family and the fun loving guy he is…He has been a wonderful stepfather to my kids, supporting them in their choices and providing them an excellent role model.  Romantic to a fault, he makes me feel secure, loved and appreciated.  I’m the luckiest girl ever and I thank God everyday for him.  I can’t imagine my life without him in it.”
Happy 20th Anniversary Curt and Lydia!