While they met while working security at a football game between San Jose State University and Arizona State University, their love story didn’t begin until a few months later.  “It wasn’t love at first sight…he wore highwater pants and athletic shoes…jocks y’know?” Carol says with a smile.  But there was something about Frank that had her intrigued.  “I think it was his sense of humor, kind of quiet but appreciative of my off the wall character.  He was the yin to my yang; the athlete to my sedentary style; someone I could cheer on and adore.”

In 1973, Frank had graduated and relocated to Idaho to become a deputy sheriff and assistant track coach at Boise State University alongside former COC coach Ed Jacobi.   It only took one visit from Carol when he knew she was the one.  “Carol had to leave, and I found myself sitting in the car at the airport crying.  I almost got out of the car and ran to the gate to get her off the plane, but I didn’t.  A couple months later, I asked her to come back to Idaho, and the rest is history.”
In August of 1975, Frank popped the question, and Carol said yes.  “We didn’t even have a ring, but we used something I already had until we could get to Zales,” smiles Carol.
On October 26, 1975, the two wed in Coach Jacobi’s living room amongst about 35 friends and family. Carol made her own dress and bouquet, purchased some material and patterns for the bridesmaids who made their own dresses.  The groomsmen wore Kennington shirts and Angel Flight pants. “For two relatively straight-laced kids, it kind of looked like a hippie wedding,” says Carol.
The couple eventually made their way back to the Santa Clarita Valley where Frank grew up. Four decades and three children later, Carol and Frank’s magical partnership still continues to grow.  “Carol has a perpetual smile and beautiful green eyes, both attributes I noticed first about her.  She is the most loving and giving woman I have ever known.”
“Frank thinks I walk on water and for that delusion, how can I not love him?  Seriously, he is caring and strong, a great husband and father and I love his giving nature…When I’m in his arms, I am in heaven.”
What is their recipe for success?
“It’s about having a sense of humor, tolerance, an open mind, patience, and the willingness to give it all you have and then some,” states Carol. “It’s about love, and laughter and teamwork.  When you get married, you’re a team, and a team doesn’t win every game, but they don’t let a loss or challenges destroy them either.”
“And as we tell every newly married couple we meet,” states Frank with a smirk, “argue naked.”
“We both feel very strongly that believing in each other is key,” Carol added. “We’ve taken some crazy chances, financially, job-wise and socially, and none of them would have worked if we didn’t hold close to our belief in each other. You have to see the strength in your partner and have realistic expectations for both of you – but bottom line, a successful relationship is worth working hard for, no matter the difficulty. In the end, the rewards are too many to count.”